Wednesday, November 14, 2007


quick update coz i'm sick and miserable (again)...

1. I'm sick of getting sick from the fucking AC at work, I'm going doing to maitenance Sunday and kicking some ass.

2. Crazy sis and husband are back and they both seem happy and excited to be home. They had a horrible time in the US but more on that later.

3. Mike got a promotion to go with that raise and he's very proud, so am I, I knew he would do great :)

4. More later, going back to vegging on the couch... love y'all!


Brunhilda said...

Feel better soon :) Don't send it to me this time, kay. Congrats to Mike!

Melissa said...

thanks for the update, I really was wondering how things were with crazy sis back. congratulations to mike. :)

p.s. my word verification is amusing. ybfat. LOL.

Marcia said...

Boo to the sick and miserable (I am, too!), hell yeah to Mike's raise and promotion. :) :)

Anonymous said...

Hope you get to feeling better!

Now that Mike is making more money, I won't be so hesitant to ask for a loan. ;)

Anonymous said...

AWWWWW! Poor Rez! Trust me on this one...If you can get your hands on Echinacea over there, start taking it. Take like 4 pills a day for two weeks. Stop for two weeks, start again, and so on for a few months. This will build your immune system up and it's totally not going to bust you on a drug test :)

Congrats to MIKE!!! That's so awesome!

Brunhilda said...

I am in the witness protection program - is me now. delete this message please. lol
