I guess this couldn’t have lasted to long. The Mike family drama is back on. I can’t remember if I told y’all everything that’s been happening in the US with them but here’s a brief recap for those of you who smoke too much weed.
It started when Mike’s older sister, (we call here bitch sis because she called me a bitch about 65 times one night when she got drunk and accused me of trying to destroy their family), went to Turkey for a few days and the Israeli authorities wouldn’t let her back in the country so she went back to the US. Then Mike’s parents got deported after being accused of doing missionary work, which is illegal in Israel. Mike’s younger sister (we call her crazy sis coz she is) and her husband decided to move back to the states as well coz they were planning it anyway. So mike was left alone here with me.
Bitch sis and crazy sis were suppose to move in together in NOLA and live happily ever after but that lasted about 2 days when crazy sis got freaked out about NOLA and said bitch sis was into voodoo (and crazy sis is into Jesus) so they had a huge fight and crazy sis left the house with nothing but the clothes on her back (and no shoes) and they never spoke again. After that crazy sis and husband were in Boston with her husband’s uncle for a while, that didn’t work out. Then they moved to NYC and everything was great but they were staying with some people and that didn’t work out either. Crazy sis couldn’t find a shrink that fit her, one wanted to admit her to a mental institution, the other would give her meds she needed to keep her bi-polar in check.
So Mike gets a call early this morning, around 1am EST, and it’s crazy sis’s husband. It’s not working out and they’re thinking of moving back to Israel. I was really trying to keep from laughing out loud… for years they’ve been living off Mike’s parents, she hasn’t worked longer than a week in about 6 years. Okay, she was sick for a while but that ended last year. All she does is sit home, smoke hash and alienate everyone in her life. Now she’s asking Mike if they can stay with us for a while when they get back! They thought things would change for them in the states, I told Mike, they’re the ones who need to change! She lived off her parents, then she lived off her friends, then off her husband and then she tried to live off her sister. He’s been trying to take care of her but she’s getting increasingly impossible. I saw her before they left and she was off her meds. She spent most of the time getting high in my kitchen.
Mike is happy that he’ll have some family here for the holidays and I’m happy for him, really. I’m just worried she’s going to fight with us too. Mike and her were always close and seriously, he’s they only one she listens to. She’s great when she’s clean and on her meds, kinda like Mike. People with bi-polar disorder tend to go straight to drugs to stay up even though without the drugs they’re still better than any of us. Anyway, I’m sure I’ll have more on that later… they said they’ll be back before the 13th…
By the way - Mike’s been doing so well lately. He’s being really careful about his alcohol intake and the job really helps focus him. I’m very proud of him. I really hope hi sis can do the same.
Learning French is Possible at Any Age
4 weeks ago
They thought things would change for them in the states, I told Mike, they’re the ones who need to change!
ah yes. there is not geographical cure. you take yourself with you wherever you go. etc. I hope one day she will learn. rough situation.
I'm glad to hear you say that about mike. I can relate to that. about myself I mean. good for him.
Ugh....that's a scary situation!
Hopefully you'll be able to get along with her long enough for them to get on their feet....
Yikes. I hope it all works out. I know it will be nice for Mike to have family around. A friend of a friend is married to a severely bi-polar guy and he puts her through hell. He never takes his meds, drinks like a fish...total mayhem. Plus, they just had a baby last week. OY.
I'm glad Mike is doing well - sorry for the other mayhem. She sounds like a nightmare. Damn the crazy sisters of the world.
hi! *waving* you hangin in over there?
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