Thursday, April 17, 2008

Passover Fun

Thought I’d give y’all a quick update since Passover is upon us and I’ll be gone for the next few days…

The horrid depression I was experiencing since Sunday kinda faded yesterday. I’m saying kinda coz I still feel all the same things only I don’t want to shoot myself in the face anymore. Thank you all for your kind words – you rock hardcore, I actually cried a bit reading the responses - don’t tell anyone! It’s been a while since I got depressed like that, reminded me of old times.

This is what my long weekend looks like k? Tomorrow I have to go to the market to buy food for the weekend – I actually thought I could avoid it as it’s probably going to be hell but I can’t. I totally miscalculated my timing being too busy getting depressed and all. I’m meeting Ariane tomorrow night for happy hour at the Blue Hole like back in the good old times, I’m very happy about that, I need some quality time with someone who actually understand when I talk and doesn’t just wait for me to finish so he can start talking about himself (yes I’m talking about you - Nir). Mike is working overnight (duh) and I got the night to myself (duh). Saturday night is Sedder and my family is going to my sister Rivka’s house, yes that’s the one who doesn’t allow non Jews in her house for Passover. So my older sister and I and our non Jewish husbands are having sedder together, should be fun.

The next day we’re going to my parents for lunch and after that Mike’s friend Jake is having a poker barbeque thing at his parents’ and we’re supposed to go if Mike isn’t working. So basically, were not going. I’m not bitter about Mike’s job, what are you talking about? It’s absolutely normal for me to sleep alone 6 nights a week. Anyway it’s also a friend from work’s B-day so it should be a fun night. So basically I’m going to be drunk 3 days straight – should be good!!!

Happy Passover Y'all!


Anonymous said...

Ummmm, don't sound bitter at all Rez!!!!

Well, I hope you still have fun even though your man will be stuck working. Try to make the best of it okay? I'm glad that your depression is lifting a little bit. That's definitely good to hear.

Brunhilda said...

"I totally miscalculated my timing being too busy getting depressed and all."

Okay - that made me giggle a bit. Hee. I'm glad you get to go out with Ariane. It sounds like you need that time with her. Don't worry about the sis, and try to make the best of your time without Mike, darnit. Bitter is no way to be, this from the former Queen of the Bitter People! Happy Passover!

Melissa said...

why doesn't she want non-jews over for sedder?

I need some quality time with someone who actually understand when I talk and doesn’t just wait for me to finish so he can start talking about himself

I've been guilty of that before. it's been a lesson. :) I'm glad you have friends who don't do that though.

sleeping alone must really stink. :( my sister-in-law deals with that because of her hubby's work, and I used to when steve was in the military and then working construction out of town. believe me when I say I hope like crazy that doesn't last forever for you guys. I almost went crazy.

glad you seem to be a bit better. hang in there and we're always here!

None available said...

6 nights out of seven? jesus! i am shocked. that's so not ok!

whatever the weather, i do with you a lovely passover, and hope you party away and enjoy every moment of it!

i really hope that the situation improves soon, because not wanting to shoot yourself in the face is just not enough.
