Monday, May 12, 2008

As Promised

Before - After -


None available said...


ps. you're pretty!

SarahReznor said...

thank you....


Anonymous said...

I like it! I see you got some layers in it and it looks thick and shiny and healthy! Yay!!!

As for your post below: I'm with ya! I can't focus for shit right now. Probably my issues with work. But, all you can do is ride it out as best you can and don't let yourself sink into a horrible pit of depression.

Melissa said...

OH WOW!! sarah, I can say without hesitation you look BEAUTIFUL. seriously pretty - way to go on that style!

Lizzle said...

You're so damn cute Sarah!

And I love that you're busting out the Billy Idol upper lip in the before pic.

The new do is soooooo adorable! I love it!

Anonymous said...

You know Rez, you are so cute! (I know, I already left a comment, but I feel compelled...) This new do of yours really brings out your face and does you justice.

I bet your hot husband is like "DAYUM!!!!! *schwing*"


Brunhilda said...

Awwww . . . you look really, really purty. I dig the new do with all the layers. Very nice indeed.

SarahReznor said...

y'all are crazy... thank you :) :) :)

KeLL said...

I didn't know what you looked like before, so thanks for showing me!! You are a beautiful woman!!! wowza!!

Anonymous said...

Cutie, cutie!